Friday, December 19, 2008

wEDdiNg of The yEAr (",) syEd shaHrizan+tuaN sYarifAh naBiAlAh

seriously i can't believe wat happen...
my kazen kawen ngan ngan my kazen!!!!
supprise aite???
but like org tua2 ckp da jadoh..
allah da tntukan..
but i will never forget dat day..
mmg hepi glerrr...
mcm maen zmn kecik2 dlu..maen kawen2..
n x sgka de yg melekat..
so check out our pix mlm akad nikah n also ari b'sndg tu :)

3 ank dara yg ambk memriahkan ambk gmbr :)

switnye..abg jan + nabilah

sedondon keluarga laki n pompuan..semuanye sepupu kami!!!

me diapit oleh pengantin..ambk berkat..kih2

sjk ble la abg jan ni romantik..konpius2

tok abg jan n nabilah slmt pengantin baru..
moge bhgia ke ank cucu...
i'm very hepi for both of u!!


♥_ritsukaanum_♥ said...

u afta dis ke yang??

sYZanA said...

x kot..hehehehehehe dlu n rmi lg my kazen yg ats i...
u ble lg??
i x sbr nk kawen la tgk dyorg kawen!!kih2